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CUD Reads

CUD Reads is a reading initiative that aims to promote reading amongst the university community members and engage them in interactive activities centered around each year’s selected book.

How to Access ebook Fiction from Internet Archive (open access)

  Go to, You need to Sign Up to create an Account or Login using your Email & Password.

  Search results can be narrowed down by refining it using the options at the sidebar. For searching fiction, tick the box ‘Fiction’ as shown below.


  Click the book to view the complete bibliographic description and also the ebook format for borrowing online.


   To view the book, you need to ‘Log In’ and the book can be borrowed online for 14 days.

   Once login, you may now browse the book by dragging the button to next page or use the arrow button.



  Once you borrowed the book online (14 days), you will see an information on top of the ebook stating the “Your loan of this book has 13 days left
