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Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 15 - Life on Land

SDG 15 - Keywords
(camelus bactrianus) conservation reserve program forestry practices manatee restoration ecology
(cites) conservation reserve program (crp) forestry sector manatees restoration efforts
a predator-prey model conservation reserves forestry marine strategy restoration goals
a predator-prey system conservation resources fragmentation habitat marine strategy framework restoration management
access and benefit sharing conservation significance fragmented landscapes marine strategy framework directive restoration measures
acinonyx conservation society freshwater biodiversity marine strategy framework directive (msfd) restoration planning
acinonyx jubatus conservation soil freshwater conservation marxan restoration potential
acipenser transmontanus conservation status freshwater management mature forest restoration practices
active restoration conservation status future forest melanoleuca restoration programs
adaptive management conservation strategies giant panda metal phytoextraction restoration project
afforestation conservation strategies giant panda (ailuropoda melanoleuca) metal phytoremediation restoration projects
afforestation and reforestation conservation strategy giant pandas millennium ecosystem restoration strategies
afforested conservation target global biodiversity millennium ecosystem assessment restoration success
african wild dog conservation targets global conservation msfd restoration treatments
african wild dogs conservation tool globally threatened multiple ecosystem services restored sites
agenda 21 conservation union globally threatened species nagoya protocol revegetation
agricultural expansion conservation unit gorilla national conservation revegetation
agricultural landscapes conservation units gorilla gorilla native and introduced species rhinopithecus
agri-environment conservation value gorilla gorilla gorilla native and invasive species rio+20
agri-environment schemes conservation values gorillas native and non-native species riparian forest
agrilus conservationists grassland birds native biodiversity riparian forests
agrilus planipennis conserving biodiversity grassland restoration native ecosystems riparian habitats
agrilus planipennis fairmaire contingent valuation gray wolf native fauna riparian restoration
ailuropoda contingent valuation method gray wolves native fish risk of extinction
ailuropoda melanoleuca contingent valuation method (cvm) grizzly native fishes river conservation
alien convention on biological diversity grizzly bear native flora river management
alien invasive convention on biological diversity (cbd) grizzly bears native forest river regulation
alien invasive species convention on international trade in endangered species grizzly bears (ursus arctos) native forests river restoration
alien plant convention on international trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora groundwater protection native plant round gobies
alien plant species critical habitat habitat alteration native plant communities round goby
alien plants critically endangered habitat change native plant species saproxylic
alien species critically endangered species habitat connectivity native plants saproxylic beetles
allee crocodylus habitat conservation native prey secondary forest
allee effect current conservation habitat degradation native range secondary forests
amphibian conservation data deficient habitat destruction native ranges selective logging
amphibian species dead wood habitat disturbance native species silvicultural
anaerobic bioremediation declining species habitat fragmentation native species richness silviculture
and afforestation deforestation habitat loss native species snub
and biodiversity deforestation and degradation habitat loss and degradation native tree snub-nosed monkey
and environmental conservation deforestation and forest degradation habitat loss and fragmentation native tree species snub-nosed monkeys
and forest management deforestation rates habitat loss native trees social and environmental accounting
and phytoremediation degradation and desertification habitat management native vegetation society for conservation biology
and sustainable forest management degraded areas habitat patches natura society for ecological restoration
animal conservation degraded ecosystems habitat protection natura 2000 society for ecological restoration international
appendix ii degraded forest habitat quality natura 2000 network soil and water conservation
aquatic invasive degraded forests habitat requirements natura 2000 site soil and water conservation measures
aquatic invasive species degraded land habitat restoration natura 2000 sites soil and water conservation practices
area management degraded lands habitat suitability natural areas soil bioremediation
area of occupancy delayed predator-prey habitats directive natural disturbance soil conservation
argentine ant demersus high conservation natural forest soil conservation measures
argentine ants desertification high conservation value natural forests soil conservation practices
asian clam desertification control holling natural regeneration soil conservation service
asian elephant desertification process holling type natural restoration soil conservation service (scs)
asian elephant (elephas maximus) desertification processes human disturbance natural succession soil conservation service curve number
asian elephants diceros human-dominated nature conservation soil conservation
asian elephants (elephas maximus) diceros bicornis human-dominated landscapes nature reserves soil restoration
at-risk species different forest management human-modified near threatened speciation and extinction
avifauna dikerogammarus human-wildlife neogobius melanostomus species act
avoided deforestation dikerogammarus villosus human-wildlife conflict network of protected areas species at risk
bactrianus disturbance regimes human-wildlife conflicts new forest species conservation
benefit sharing diversity conservation hunting pressure nonindigenous species species conservation equations
benefit-sharing dreissena hyperaccumulator non-indigenous species species control
bioaugmentation dreissena polymorpha hyperaccumulators non-market valuation species distribution model
biodiversity and ecosystem services easements illegal hunting non-native fish species distribution models
biodiversity conservation ecological conservation illegal logging non-native invasive species extinction
biodiversity conservation ecological integrity illegal trade non-native plant species extinctions
biodiversity hotspot ecological restoration illegal wildlife trade non-native plant species species habitat
biodiversity hotspots ecological restoration projects impacts of invasive species non-native plants species introductions
biodiversity loss ecological services impacts on biodiversity nonnative species species invasion
biodiversity loss ecology and conservation imperiled non-native species species invasions
biodiversity management economic valuation imperiled species non-timber species loss
biodiversity policy ecosystem assessment implications for conservation non-timber forest products species management
biodiversity protection ecosystem conservation in situ bioremediation novel ecosystems species of conservation concern
biodiversity targets ecosystem management in situ conservation ntfp species persistence
biodiversity value ecosystem recovery insect conservation on biological diversity species protection
biodiversity values ecosystem restoration in-situ bioremediation on-site bioremediation species recovery
biodiversity ecosystem restoration intensive forest management outside protected areas species restoration
biological conservation ecosystem service international conservation overgrazing species survival
biological diversity ecosystem service valuation international union for conservation of nature palliata species threatened
biological invasion ecosystem sustainability international union for conservation of nature (iucn) pan paniscus spheniscus demersus
biological invasions effective conservation international union for the conservation of nature pan troglodytes stages of invasion
biological invasions effects of forest management introduced plants paniscus strategy framework
bioremediation elephas introduced populations panthera stream restoration
bioremediation of soil elephas maximus introduced predators panthera onca successful conservation
bioremediation potential emerald ash borer introduced range panthera pardus successful invaders
bioremediation process emerald ash borer (eab) introduced ranges panthera tigris suitable habitat
bioremediation processes endangered animals introduced species pardus suitable habitats
bioremediation strategies endangered bird invaded communities participatory forest management sustainable development indicators
bioremediation technologies endangered bird species invaded ecosystems passive restoration sustainable development strategy
bioremediation technology endangered birds invaded range payments for ecosystem services sustainable forest
biotic resistance endangered medicinal plant invader pet trade sustainable forest management
bird communities endangered orchid invaders phytoextraction sustainable forest management (sfm)
bird community endangered plant invading species phytoextraction efficiency sustainable forest management
bird conservation endangered plant species invasibility phytoextraction potential sustainable forestry
bird diversity endangered plants invasion biology phytoremediation sustainable groundwater
birdlife endangered primate invasion dynamics phytoremediation efficiency sustainable groundwater management
birdlife international endangered species invasion ecology phytoremediation plant sustainable land
black rhinoceros endangered species act invasion history phytoremediation potential sustainable land management
bonobos endangered species act (esa) invasion risk phytoremediation process sustainable land use
bonobos (pan paniscus) endangered species act invasion success phytoremediation technology sustainable land-use
brown bear endangered species habitat invasions phytoremediation systematic conservation
brown bear (ursus arctos) endangered species invasive alien phytostabilization systematic conservation planning
brown bears endangered status invasive alien plant piping plover the brown bear
bushmeat endangered subspecies invasive alien plant species piping plovers the conservation of species
bushmeat hunting endangered tree invasive alien plants plant conservation the convention on biological diversity
butterfly conservation endangered tree species invasive alien species plant invaders the emerald ash borer
caiman latirostris endangered wildlife invasive alien species (ias) plant invasion the giant panda
camera trap enemy release invasive and native species plant invasions the giant panda (ailuropoda melanoleuca)
camera trapping enemy release hypothesis invasive ant plantation forest the iucn red list
camera traps enhanced bioremediation invasive ants plantation forestry the iucn red list of threatened species
cane toad environmental accounting invasive crayfish plantation forests the red list
cane toads environmental conservation invasive exotic plantation management the wildlife society
canis lupus environmental services invasive fish planted forests threat of extinction
captive breeding environmental valuation invasive grass poached threat status
carnivore conservation ex situ conservation invasive insect poachers threat to biodiversity
cartagena protocol exotic invasive invasive pest poaching threatened and endangered
cheetah exotic invasive species invasive plant pongo threatened and endangered species
cheetah (acinonyx jubatus) exotic pest invasive plant species pongo pygmaeus threatened bird
cheetahs exotic pests invasive plant species population decline threatened bird species
chimpanzee (pan troglodytes) exotic plant invasive plants population declines threatened birds
chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) exotic plant invasion invasive plants population extinction threatened plant
chinese sturgeon exotic plant species invasive population population persistence threatened plant species
climate finance exotic plants invasive populations population status threatened plants
colonization and extinction exotic species invasive predator population viability threatened species
combat desertification exotic species invasive predators population viability analysis threatened species
combating desertification exotic tree invasive range population viability analysis (pva) threatened status
community conservation exotics invasive shrub potential habitat threatened taxa
community forest extent of occurrence invasive species predator control threatening processes
community forest management extinction debt invasive species control predator-prey threats to biodiversity
community forestry extinction of species invasive species management predator-prey dynamics tigers
community forests extinction probabilities invasive species predator-prey interaction tigris
community-based conservation extinction probability invasive species predator-prey interactions timber harvest
community-based forest management extinction rates invasive success predator-prey model timber harvesting
conifer plantation extinction risk invasive tree predator-prey models timber production
connectivity conservation extinction risks invasive tree species predator-prey system total economic value
conservation action extinctions invasive weed predator-prey systems translocation factor
conservation actions farmland protection invasive weed optimization prescribed burning tree plantation
conservation activities fauna & flora international invasive weed optimization (iwo) prey population tree plantations
conservation and development federally endangered invasive weed optimization algorithm primary forest tree planting
conservation and management federally listed invasive weeds primate conservation tree regeneration
conservation and restoration fish and wildlife invasives priority areas for conservation trichechus
conservation approaches fish and wildlife service iucn priority conservation trichechus manatus
conservation area fish conservation iucn categories priority for conservation troglodytes
conservation areas flagship species iucn conservation priority species troglodytes schweinfurthii
conservation assessment forest biodiversity iucn criteria private forest trophy hunting
conservation assessments forest bird iucn red list private land tropical biology
conservation benefits forest birds iucn red list categories private landowners tropical deforestation
conservation biologists forest carbon iucn red list categories and criteria private lands us endangered species
conservation biology forest certification iucn red list criteria probability of extinction us endangered species act
conservation biology forest conservation iucn red list of threatened species production forests umbrella species
conservation breeding forest conversion iucn propagule unlogged
conservation challenges forest cover jaguar (panthera onca) propagule pressure ursus
conservation concern forest cover change jaguars protect biodiversity ursus arctos
conservation decision forest degradation joint forest management protected area valuation method
conservation decisions forest ecosystem management jubatus protected area management valuation of ecosystem services
conservation easements forest ecosystem services lake management protected area network value of ecosystem services
conservation ecology forest fragmentation lake restoration protected areas vegetation recovery
conservation ecosystem forest fragments land abandonment protected areas (pas) vegetation restoration
conservation effectiveness forest governance land conservation protected areas vegetation restoration
conservation effort forest habitat land degradation protected species viability analysis
conservation efforts forest habitats land desertification pygmaeus viable populations
conservation endangered species forest land land managers rare and endangered vulnerable species
conservation forest forest landscape land restoration rare and endangered species water and soil conservation
conservation genetic forest landscapes landowners rare and threatened water conservation
conservation genetics forest loss landscape connectivity rare and threatened species water conservation measures
conservation goals forest management landscape conservation rare plant water conservation society
conservation implications forest management activities landscape context ratio-dependent predator-prey weed optimization
conservation importance forest management plan landscape level recovery of vegetation weed optimization algorithm
conservation initiatives forest management planning landscape management red data wetland conservation
conservation interest forest management plans landscape restoration red data book wetland management
conservation issues forest management practices landscape-level red list wetland protection
conservation land forest management regimes landscape-scale red list categories wetland restoration
conservation landscape forest management strategies large carnivore red list categories and criteria white sturgeon
conservation management forest managers large carnivores red list criteria white sturgeon (acipenser transmontanus)
conservation management forest owners latirostris red list of threatened species wild chimpanzees
conservation managers forest patches least concern red lists wild dog
conservation measures forest planning leopard (panthera pardus) red-cockaded woodpecker wild dogs
conservation needs forest plantation leopards redd wild fauna
conservation objectives forest plantations linepithema redd+ wildlife conservation
conservation of biodiversity forest policies linepithema humile red-listed wildlife conservation
conservation of endangered species forest policy local agenda 21 red-listed species wildlife habitat
conservation of nature forest products local extinction reducing emissions from deforestation wildlife management
conservation of species forest protection local extinctions reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation wildlife management area
conservation organizations forest recovery logged forest reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (redd+) wildlife management
conservation outcomes forest regeneration long-term conservation reforestation wildlife managers
conservation plan forest remnants loss and fragmentation reforestation programs wildlife populations
conservation planning forest reserves loss of biodiversity reforestation projects wildlife species
conservation plans forest resource loss of habitat reforestation wildlife trade
conservation policies forest resources lowland gorillas regional conservation wolf (canis lupus)
conservation policy forest restoration lycaon reintroductions wolf population
conservation practice forest sector lycaon pictus release hypothesis wolves
conservation practices forest species mammal conservation remaining forest wolves (canis lupus)
conservation practitioners forest stewardship managed forest remaining populations woodland caribou
conservation priorities forest stewardship council managed forests remnant populations woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus
conservation prioritization forest structure management actions research and conservation world conservation union
conservation priority forest succession management and conservation reserve design zebra mussel
conservation programmes forest sustainability management of forests reserve selection zebra mussel (dreissena polymorpha)
conservation programs forest use management of invasive species restoration actions zebra mussels
conservation projects forestland management of protected areas restoration activities zebra mussels (dreissena polymorpha)
conservation reserve forestry management management strategy evaluation restoration and management zoological society of london