Citing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in APA Style
The American Psychological Association (APA) recommends that AI text generated be formatted as personal communication. It is only used as an in-text citation and is included in the reference list.
In-Text Citation
(Communicator, Year)
Parenthetical In-Text Citation : (OpenAI, 2023)
Narrative In-Text Citation : OpenAI (2023)
Communicator. (Year). Source (version) [language model]. URL
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT. (Nov. 14 version) [Large language model].
Citing Artificial Intelligence (AI) in MLA Style
The Modern Language Association (MLA) recommendations for citing generative AI are the following;
MLA template of core elements is meant to provide flexibility in citation. (Source:
We do not recommend treating the AI tool as an author. This recommendation follows the policies developed by various publishers, including the MLA’s journal PMLA.
Describe what was generated by the AI tool. This may involve including information about the prompt in the Title of Source element if you have not done so in the text.
Use the Title of Container element to name the AI tool (e.g., ChatGPT).
Name the version of the AI tool as specifically as possible. For example, the examples in this post were developed using ChatGPT 3.5, which assigns a specific date to the version, so the Version element shows this version date.
Name the company that made the tool.
Give the date the content was generated.
Give the general URL for the tool.1